CoSpacehk Studio Rules & Policies
Renters/Users must adhere to the "CoSpacehk Studio Rules & Policies". If the renters/users violate any rules or regulations as set out in our policies, our Company has the right to terminate the rental on the spot and ask the renters/users to leave the premises right away in addition to seeking indemnity if necessary.
Health Precautions
The health and well-being of our guests and staff is our top priority.
During the COVID pandemic, we ask all renters/users, before entering our premises, to disinfect hands and shoes, take body temperature, scan the “Leave Home Safe” app or fill out the Personal Data Declaration Form provided by our Company.
Please understand that we do not accept any renters/users who find himself/herself with body temperature exceeding 37C/ 99F, or who have symptoms of COVID, or who have visited other countries/regions in the past 21 days counting from the day of studio use. Please stay home for rest and seek medical consultation for early recovery.
We ask all renters/users to pack any used tissues or trash and bring them with you when you leave the site.
We ask all renters/users to pay attention to personal hygiene and safety. Besides keeping the premises clean, please wear masks at all times and wash hands frequently.
Masks must be worn in all areas within the premises (except whilst drinking) whilst the renter and users will be responsible for following the most up-to-date mandatory mask-wearing rules required by the government. Based on government's announcement on June 21, 2021, all participants of any physical training related group can only be exempted from wearing masks during exercise if everyone in the room has been fully vaccinated (with both shots completed plus two weeks already passed after the second shot and no exceptions such as medical reasons for not getting vaccinated is allowed) and adequate distance is maintained between each other.
The capacity limit: is set at 14 people for exercise and meeting purposes, to protect the health and safety of the renters/users.
(1) Booking Rules
(2) Rental Rules
(3) Use of Equipment
(5) Adverse Weather Arrangement
The Company reserves the right to amend the rules and policies of the studio at any given time as well as when it comes to relaying these rules and regulations to renters/users.