Rental Rules - Detailed Version
Renters/Users must adhere to the "CoSpacehk Studio Rules & Policies". If the renters/users violate any rules or regulations as set out in our policies, our Company has the right to terminate the rental on the spot and ask the renters/users to leave the premises right away in addition to seeking indemnity if necessary.
Renters/Users should return/leave the studio on time. Time for site preparation and clean-up is included in the rental period. Use of the studio for more than 10 minutes beyond the rental duration will be charged for 30 minutes.
Renters/Users who do not wear their own indoor shoes must clean and disinfect their shoe soles before entering the studio. Disinfecting agents are provided near the entrance for use.
Renters/Users who plan to bring any props or equipment into the studio, please notify us in advance. We will provide guidance in moving or handling the items if necessary. Please observe the guidelines responsibly.
Without the approval of the Company, renters/users shall not post any notices or display any promotional materials within any area of our premises.
Renters/Users must handle with good care and not remove/ dismantle/ cause any damage to the furniture, fixtures and equipment that belong to the studio. If damage is caused to any furniture, fixtures and equipment during the rental period, the renters/users will be liable for the damage(s) and be held responsible for providing compensation to replace or repair damage(s) made.
No smoking is allowed anywhere on the 15th floor including the bathroom, back staircase and corridors. All offenders will be asked to leave our premises immediately. In addition, we/our Company reserves the right to claim a cleaning fee of $400.
Renters/Users must keep the premises clean. Please pack any used tissues or trash and bring them with you when you leave the site. We/Our Company reserve the right to claim a cleaning fee (depending on actual expense incurred) if the users had left the premises in an unclean condition (such as vomit causing toilet clogs).
When leaving the studio, please bring all your personal belongings with you and that all items in the room including tables, chairs, equipment and supplies must be returned to their original states and respective locations.
Renters/Users must apply and obtain the relevant license required to hold their activities in advance so as to ensure they are in compliance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Renters are responsible for procuring necessary insurance to protect the safety of their participant(s) in the activities they organize. We/Our Company has the right to request presentation and/or submission of proof of 3rd party insurance purchased. We are not responsible for any loss or damage of any personal belongings/injuries; any accidents that occur during their occupancy.
Any form of gambling is prohibited anywhere in our premises.
Renters/Users are strictly prohibited to bring any dangerous items such as firearms and any illicit materials into our premises/studio.
Renters/Users should be liable for all the activities they hold. Renters/users must understand and agree that we/our Company plays no part in their activities/events. Our Company will not be responsible for the actions of the renters/users during his/her/their occupancy of the studio. All activities that occur in the premises must conform to and comply with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.